Cub Scouts
A family program for all youth in Kindergarten through fifth grades (or ages 5 to 10 years old). The Cub Scout program emphasizes citizenship, character, personal fitness and leadership. The Cub Scout program prepares youth to grow into self-reliant and dependable adults through hands-on activities and adventures that focus on Character Development, Spiritual Growth, Good Citizenship, Sportsmanship and Fitness, Family Understanding, Respectful Relationships, Personal Achievement, Friendly Service, Fun and Adventure and Preparation for Boy Scouts.
Scouts BSA
A program for all youth 11 through 17 years of age. Using a vigorous outdoor program and peer group leadership with the counsel of an adult mentor (Scoutmaster), Scouts BSA programming is designed to achieve the Aims of Scouting: Growth in Moral Strength and Character; Participating Citizenship; and Development of Physical, Mental and Emotional Fitness.
Designed for young men and women who are 13 through 20 years of age. Venturing uses four areas of emphasis to help the crew plan and carry out its program. Venturing has four areas of emphasis: Adventure, Leadership, Personal Growth and Service, are the four pillars around which the youth leadership will develop, plan, lead and carry out a fun and rewarding program.
Exploring (for all youth 10 through 20 years of age.) is a career exploration component of Scouting where local schools, government agencies and businesses partner with the Sioux Council to offer the chance for youth to experience hands on career programming. Exploring provides youth the ability to make informed decisions on career choices relatively early in life.
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